Girls Meet Girls

“Girls Meet Girls” by Voice of the Girl Child Initiative is a private NGO dedicated to promoting access to education and health services for every girl child especially underprivileged and vulnerable ones. During a special invitation to Makoko, a slum area in Lagos, I engaged with the community using art as a powerful medium to emphasize the significance of girl child education.

The girls in the neighborhood were visibly delighted by the artworks presented, sparking a sense of inspiration and aspiration among them. Witnessing the impact of art on these young minds was truly heartening, as some expressed a newfound desire to pursue a career in art to advocate for the importance of education within their community.

Through this initiative, art became a catalyst for change and empowerment, igniting a passion for education and creativity among the girls of Makoko. It is a testament to the transformative power of art in fostering dialogue, awareness, and a brighter future for young girls striving for access to education and better opportunities.